Update: The Breaker of Rules is LIVE!

I know, I know... I went quiet again for far too long... but LOOK WHAT I DID while I was in hermit-mode!
The last time I posted I revealed some of the changes that I had made to my Crow Series from 2014, including the new series title: THE CORVINIAN CURSE, and the fact that I'd decided to serialize this new expanded version.
Well, that project has officially kicked off! On September 21st (which, depending on the year, is the date of the Autumnal Equinox) I ninja-published the prequel short story, The Breaker of Rules, to celebrate.
That date is a significant one in this particular series, as September 21st also happens to be Denora Garro's birthday. Those who have read the original series might recall they celebrate it in the original Book 2.
So, yeah, Happy Birthday Denora!
Funny thing is, The Breaker of Rules prequel actually follows the character Eustace McFinney, the mind reading antagonist we all love to hate, and not our darling Denora. But, it gives clues to events that happen in the main story-line by allowing you to see things from McFinney's point of view...
Those of you hoping for the return of Denora and Silas need not fret for long... I've also sneakily put up a pre-order for Part One of the new serial, which will officially be released this weekend, on October 2nd!
There will be separate posts specifically announcing the new releases - with links, blurbs, and excerpts for each, which I have scheduled over the next few days. Patreon subscribers will be sent links to access their free digital copies at that time.
Readers who prefer physical copies (I personally love the smell and weight of an actual book in my hand,) I will also be producing paperback versions sometime within next month, before the release of Part Two in November.
Until then, thanks for reading!
